The weather forecast had been a concern earlier in the week, however the day turned out to be very pleasant. In the morning, the groom and his best man had spent a few hours building a Chuppah. A Chuppah in the Jewish faith symbolizes the home the couple will share which protects them from harm.
Unfortunately, just as the first guests were starting to arrive a gust of wind came up, blew the Chuppah to the ground, and broke one of the containers of colored sand for the sand ceremony; but all was not lost. The glass was cleaned up, sand was salvaged and a replacement vase found. During the ceremony, four of the brides cousins stood on Chuppah guard. The couple was indeed protected from harm.
Our couple chose a very special friend to be a member of their wedding party...Echo the family dog! Echo and nephew Trevor shared ring bearer duties and both did a stand up job.
After the ceremony, guests enjoyed a cocktail hour on the deck overlooking Lower Herring Lake. They then joined the bride and groom at The Watervale Inn where the reception dinner was held. After dinner and the cake cutting, guests moved down to the Casino for dancing with music provided by The Lookout Cats. We were able to take advantage of this time to steal away with the Bride and Groom down to the beach of Lake Michigan. It was a gorgeous evening and we were able to take some spectacular sunset pictures. It was our pleasure to be part of this wonderful day.
~~Cathy, Blog Master

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