Weddings are joyful and fun occations and this one cetainly was the case with our couple's wedding. With our Bride and Groom both safely back from tours of duty in Iraq and the big day finally here, everyone was read to have a super good time. This was not a group that you had to prod into picture taking...not at all. We releazed righ away that were just along for the ride and it was our job to record the events.
It was great. Were were there to capture the action and boy there was plenty.
The couple were joined in marriage on the Inn's lawn overlooking Lake Michigan. The ceremony was performed by the groom's grandfather which made the event even more special. Later the reception was held in the Inn's banquet room.
After dinner we were able to run out and captiure the last few moments of a spectaculare sun set It was a very fitting ending to a wonderful and wild day.
Our best wishers to years of happiness Liz and Bob. We also want to thank both of them for their service to our country!!

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