While the couple lived in California and most of their relatives were in Canada and through out the states, Traverse City made a perfect location for everyone to gather for this special occasion.
The Grand Traverse Resort and Spa was the guest venue and wedding location our bride and groom selected. Jennifer and Marco decided on the the area of the resort complex called The Shores, for the ceremony site. With the sparkling waters of Grand Traverse Bay behind them, Marco and Jennifer exchanged their vows before family and friends.
Back on the main resort grounds the reception was held under the pavilion tent. The unique yellow tented pavilion area is a great location for an open air reception. The weather cooperated fully to make a very pleasant evening.
We are sure that both Jennifer and Marco, along with their guests, will always have very fond memories of their time here in northern Michigan.
We would like to extend our congratulations and best wishes to Marco and Jennifer.